Thursday, May 23, 2019

China wants the Duterte Model in settling SCS disputes with other ASEAN countries

Beijing wants to apply the Duterte Model of finding a solution to its South China Sea disputes with Malaysia. Negotiating a bilateral deal with Kuala Lumpur, that is, rather than a multilateral deal that could involve all countries having an interest in the region.

That’s according to an article that appeared in The South China Morning Post, which claims that “Beijing is pushing for mechanism like it has with Manila… rather than go directly to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.”
That "Duterte Model" is going to get Duterte executed for treason.

Flashback: President Aquino Should Avoid Inflammatory Rhetoric On South China Sea: China Is Not Nazi Germany!

Garbage article minimizing the threat of China from 2015. How much are the Chicoms paying that guy?